Monday, November 17, 2014

Meeting on November 18th

Our regular meeting on November 18th will be the last day to turn in ham/cheese orders. Please bring those to the meeting. We also need empty boxes for cheese deliveries.

November 18th is also Farm City Day at our club meeting.

We will also be collecting canned goods for Stuff A Bus. This is our November service project. The November 25th speaker/program will be on Stuff A Bus.  We will present them with our collection at that time.  However, Amy has offered to collect and hold everything that comes in on the 18th.  So we will try to stuff her car on that day!

The Membership / Communications committee is working to schedule the offsite meetings in January.  It looks like the 6th will be at Pekin Hospital and that will be our Chilli Cookoff.  More information will follow soon.

Below is the K of the Day / Greeter schedule for the next couple of months. The Greeters simply need to get to the meeting a little early (11:35ish) and hang out by the name tags and welcome people as they arrive.